Recipe: Perfect Nihari Naan

Nihari Naan. Nihari is a traditional dish of Muslims of Delhi, Bhopal and Lucknow. In Karachi, Nihari became a roaring success and soon all over Pakistan. Now Nihari is available in Pakistani restaurants around.

Nihari Naan Nihari is a hearty beef stew that is great for fall/winter months. Most commonly, nihari is made with beef shank or shoulder, but lamb, mutton, and goat meat are also popular. Cuts of red meat that include cut bone will create a more flavorful stock due to the presence of bone marrow. You can have Nihari Naan using 10 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Nihari Naan

  1. Prepare of Beef bong.
  2. You need of ginger garlic paste.
  3. You need of Red chilli powder.
  4. You need of Shan nihari half pac.
  5. Prepare of Atta.
  6. Prepare of Oil.
  7. You need of Onion 1 chopped.
  8. It's of masala 1 /4 tsp.
  9. It's of For garnishong.
  10. Prepare of Farah, hara dhania, Green chilli, lemon.

Nihari is one of the favorite dishes of Pakistanis, be it Sindhi, Balochi or Punjabi. Having a perfect plate of nihari makes our day. Bong Paya is the delicious Dish of Pakistanis Specially for the Break Fast,Village Tandoor present you with unique new taste. Tandoor naan topped with spicy green serrano chili.

Nihari Naan instructions

  1. Oil me onion ko fry Karen. ginger garlic paste, red chilli powder, beef bong, haddi ky sath daal kar bhon ly..
  2. Phir nihari masala, daal kar chopper water daal kar pakae.
  3. Jab gal to Atta ghol kar daly.
  4. Gravy ko half an hour pakae. Add low flame per Rakh de..
  5. Roghun Oper agae to serve Karen.

Slow-cooked stew made with beef, wheat, lentils and mild spices, topped with fried onions, cilantro, and lime. Nihari traditionally means a slow cooked mutton stew, which is said o be originated in the Awadhi kitchen of Lucknow. A popular dish in Pakistan and Bangladesh, Nihari is also considered to be the. Nihari is typically served as a main dinner course or brunch dish. It's generally served with naan or sheermal and topped with garnishings.


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